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AC2-bestiary shreth

Plural: Shreth
Group: Pride
Offspring: Cub
Location: All continents
Natural Allies: None
Natural Enemies: Reedshark

Shreth are massive carnivores with forward-curving horns, thick fur, and bony spikes jutting from their backs. Shreth are usually the top-level predators of any area (competing with Reedsharks for dominance), and vigorously defend their territory. Shreth operate with a pack mentality; Shreth prides are often seen wandering the grasslands of Dereth, sniffing the wind to scent prey or lingering over devoured kill.

During their lifecycle, Shreth pass through several stages, growing larger and stronger at every one. While younger Shreth often subsist on carrion and vermin, mature Shreth are aggressive enough to pursue almost any creature entering their territory.

A few examples of Shreth around the world:

AC2-bestiary carrion shreth AC2-bestiary blood shreth impaler AC2-bestiary blood shreth
Carrion Shreth Blood Shreth Impaler Blood Shreth