- Also know as the Sisters of Ithaenc[1] , the Adjanite Heretics[1] and the Adjanite Sisterhood / Adjanite Sisterhood of Ithaenc[2].
- Founded by Lady Adja[1][3]
- Based in Ithaenc Cathedral[1]
- The priestesses of the Adjanite Order made a practice of taming and training the Moarsmen. A small army of Moarsmen guard the catacombs of Ithaenc Cathedral. They were present in the tunnels when the Catacombs first opened in Leafcull of P.Y. 11, implying that they have been performing the same role for centuries.[4]
- The Adjanite Sisterhood looked upon the Light Falatacot or "Hidden Sisterhood" for inspiration ??[5]
- Also the Light Falatacot had a strong tie to the Moarsmen.[6]
- There are a few hints in the records that the Adjanite Order did indeed practice Falatacot magics, even Blood Magic
- Lady Adja is accused by Rajael Fellarien of using dark (blood?) magic involving slaying creatures and using her own flesh seeking power.[7]
- Lady Adja is also responsible for teaching Lady Maila, Asheron's mother how to transfer her life force to Asheron.[8][9]
- Asheron's prolonged life is due to Falatacot magic.
- Some of their tales "were not told by the church and also heretical".[10]
- Destroyed by order of Nali Valind of the Northern Church in HE 347/348:[1]
- Nali Valind decreed that the Sisters of Ithaenc were irreversibly contaminated by the teachings of the Falatacot and declared them heretics.[11] She called out for the extirpation of the Adjanite heretics, and Ithaenc Cathedral was sacked and desecrated.[12] The pilgrims that answer Valind's call slaughtered the Sisters, putting some to the sword while others were burned at the stake. The only thing left behind by the crusaders was the shattered shell of the Ithaenc Cathedral.[11]
- The destruction of the Order led to the disappearance of the last Gromnatross, Aurlanaa, from Aerlinthe.[13]
Notable Members[]
- Lady Adja[3]
- Idhare Kelderam[1]
- Sephrena Mirenndae [2]
- Possibly Maila Realaidain[14]
- Possibly Galaeral, Lady of Ithaenc[1]
- Possibly Dylaeral[15]
Related Pages[]
Items & Objects[]
Adja's Memorial
Kelderam's Tomb
Adjanite Gem
Beholding Adjanite Gem
Decorated Adjanite Gem
Entrancing Adjanite Gem
Eye of the Depths
Labyrinthine Necklace
Adjanite Cameo
Imbued Adjanite Cameo
Adjanite Crown
Adjanite Mana Stone
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2000/07 - To Raise a Banner of Flame - Aerlinthe Record
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2001/02 Lonely in the World - A Text Book
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Dark Majesty--Harvestgain, PY 12 (Mid-October, 2001)
- ↑ AC:DM CD Lore/Bestiary/Derethian Bestiary
- ↑ 2008/08 - Ancient Powers - Luciana du Maki#Lore & Dialog
- ↑ 2010/06 Shifting Gears - Moarsman (Town Network Painting)
- ↑ Desinence
- ↑ 2000/11 - Should the Stars Fall - Translated Letter (Tear-Stained Parchment)
- ↑ AC:DM CD Lore/Late Dereth Texts/Communion
- ↑ 2003/05 - Discoveries - Prophecies
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 The History of Auberean/Volume III: The Fall From Grace (-1,804 to -891)
- ↑ 2000/07 - To Raise a Banner of Flame - Aerlinthe Record
- ↑ 2003/05 Discoveries - The Departure of Aurlanaa
- ↑ 2000/11 - Should the Stars Fall - Translated Letter (Tear-Stained Parchment)
- ↑ 2009/06 Old Ghosts - Ghost of Dylaeral#Lore & Dialog