Related topics: Adso (Live Event Character)
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Adso is a student of Oswald and senior member of the Whispering Blade.
Adso is mentioned by name in the following articles:
- 2006/02 - A Change in Tactics - Rollout
- 2006/03 - Down Twisting Paths - Teaser
- 2006/06 - From the Darkest Depths - Rollout
- 2006/07 - Toward Ancient Shores - Rollout
- 2006/09 - Come What Follows - Teaser
- 2006/10 - Dance of the Dead - Rollout
- 2007/03 - Ancient Enemies - Rollout
- 2007/07 - Intelligent Designs - Teaser
- 2007/07 - Intelligent Designs - Rollout
- 2007/08 - Corrupted Sovereigns - Teaser
- 2007/08 - Corrupted Sovereigns - Rollout
- 2007/09 - Dark Materials - Teaser
- 2008/01 - Recollections - Teaser
- 2008/06 - Dispatch - Teaser
- 2009/03 - Who Watches the Virindi? - Rollout
- 2009/04 - What Once was Lost - Teaser
- 2009/05 - Secrets of the Apostates - Rollout