Asheron's Call Community Wiki
Asheron's Call Community Wiki
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Character Summary
Ardry the Dubious
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Yeah, my nephew Ardry would be the white sheep, if he weren't spattered with blood and mud all the time." [1]

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Simulacra Rumor Icon Simulacra RumorEastern Vault Notes Icon Eastern Vault NotesNorthern Vault Notes Icon Northern Vault NotesWestern Vault Notes Icon Western Vault NotesViamontian Reconnaissance Icon Viamontian ReconnaissanceFestival Shirt Icon Festival ShirtArdry's Rant Icon Ardry's RantArdry's Reconnaissance Icon Ardry's Reconnaissance


  1. 2008/08 - Ancient Powers - Ulgrim Rumors
  2. 1999/ - Release - The Mosswarts
  3. 2008/02 - The Beast With Many Heads - Ulgrim Rumors
  4. 2007/07 - Intelligent Designs - Rollout Article
  5. 2001/01 - Lonely In The World - Town Crier Rumors
  6. 2001/08 - Crests of a Turbulent Sea - Teaser
  7. 2001/09 - Keep Your Enemies Closer - Town Crier Rumors
  8. 2001/09 - Keep Your Enemies Closer - Simulacra Rumor
  9. 2004/08 - From the Darkness Born - Interview with the Mosswart
  10. 2005/07 - Throne of Destiny - Viamontian Reconnaissance
  11. 2005/09 - Under Cover of Night - Rollout Article
  12. 2005/10 - Tricks and Treats - Teaser
  13. 2006/04 - Shining Runes and Shadowed Hands - Teaser
  14. 2006/09 - Come What Follows - Rollout Article
  15. 2006/10 - Dance of the Dead - Teaser
  16. 2006/11 - Remembering the Past - Teaser
  17. 2006/12 - Cold Tracks - Eastern Vault Notes, Northern Vault Notes, Western Vault Notes
  18. 2006/12 - Cold Tracks - Teaser
  19. 2007/01 - Bridging the Vast Divide Rollout Article
  20. 2007/03 - Ancient Enemies - Teaser
  21. 2007/04 - Strange Sightings - Teaser
  22. 2007/06 - Evolution - Evolution#Ulgrim Rumors
  23. 2007/09 - Dark Materials - Teaser
  24. 2007/10 - Masked Memories - Teaser
  25. 2008/07 - Shattered Lines - Rollout Article
  26. 2008/12 - Sins of the Fathers - Teaser
  27. 2009/01 - Shifting Tactics - Teaser
  28. 2009/02 - Unfinished Business - Rollout Article
  29. 2009/07 - Picking up the Pieces - Teaser
  30. 2009/09 - Cogs in the Machine - Rollout Article
  31. 2007/06 - Evolution - Teaser
  1. 2001/05 - The Changing of the Ways - Teaser
  2. 2006/06 - From the Darkest Depths - Teaser
  3. 2006/07 - Toward Ancient Shores - Rollout Article
  4. 2007/07 - Intelligent Designs - Rollout Article
  5. 2008/01 - Recollections - Rollout Article
  6. 2008/07 - Shattered Lines - Rollout Article
  7. 2008/08 - Ancient Powers - Rollout Article
  8. 2008/09 - Risks and Rewards - Teaser
  9. 2009/10 - Gears of Change - Teaser