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Introduced in The Slumbering Giant and The Iron Coast events, Attribute and Skill Redistribution allows you to change your starting attributes and skills post Character Creation.

Note: You must be at least level 25+ to enter the redistribution temples.

Redistribution Timers[]

Start Location Timers
Specializing Skills Untraining Skills Redistributing Attributes
To Specialize:
To Untrain:
To Reset:
None Gems 1 - 4: None Gems 1 - 9: None
Gems 5 - 8: 6 Days Gems 10 - 18: 6 Days
Gems 9 - 16: 13 Days Gems 19+: 13 Days
Gems 17+: 20 Days


Before you begin[]

  • Before you start redistributing skills and/or attributes, be sure to purchase a few Herbs from your local archmage, you must have some to enter either of the two Temples.
    • Tip: Pick one type of herb and buy a few of them. Its best to buy a few, in case you accidentally hand the wrong component at the wrong time. You can keep clicking the Temple Guardian until it requests the herb that you picked.
Guardian of the Temple of Forgetfulness tells you, "Bring me the essence of Malar and I will let you pass."
Spell Word Component Spell Word Component Spell Word Component
Boquar Mugwort Icon Mugwort Cruath Ginseng Icon Ginseng Equin Mandrake Icon Mandrake
Feazh Damiana Icon Damiana Helkas Wormwood Icon Wormwood Jevak Myrrh Icon Myrrh
Kenrak Amaranth Icon Amaranth Malar Hyssop Icon Hyssop Ozhur Frankincense Icon Frankincense
Puish Saffron Icon Saffron Quavosh Dragonsblood Icon Dragonsblood Roiga Yarrow Icon Yarrow
Shurov Comfrey Icon Comfrey Tugak Vervain Icon Vervain Uthoi Henbane Icon Henbane
Volae Eyebright Icon Eyebright Yanoi Bistort Icon Bistort Zojak Hawthorn Icon Hawthorn

To Specialize a Skill[]

  1. Head to the Temple of Enlightenment at 84.5S, 0.0E
  2. Speak with the Guardian of the Temple of Enlightenment to obtain a riddle.
  3. Solve the riddle by handing the Guardian of the Temple of Enlightenment the spell component that corresponds with the keyword in the riddle (see above table).
  4. From the drop, keep either all the time left, or all the time right, and jump into a few pits with golems.
  5. In last pit, enter the Inner Sanctum portal
  6. Talk to the Servant of Enlightenment (NE corner central room). He will give you a Token of Modification.
  7. In the 4 side rooms, different Wardens of Enlightenments are located. Select them to identify what skill they represent (more or less alphabetically ordered)
  8. Hand the Warden of your choice the Token, to receive a <skill name> Gem of Enlightenment.
  9. Use it, and if you have enough skill credits available, you can specialize a trained skill.

To Untrain a Skill[]

  1. Head to the Temple of Forgetfulness at 88.8N, 0.0E
    • Route: From Cragstone, take the Far Horizon Cottages portal at 26.2N, 46.3E.
  2. Speak with the Guardian of the Temple of Forgetfulness to obtain a riddle.
  3. Solve the riddle by handing the Guardian of the Temple of Forgetfulness the spell component that corresponds with the keyword in the riddle (see above table).
  4. From the drop, keep either all the time left, or all the time right, and jump into a few pits with golems.
  5. In last pit, enter the Inner Sanctum portal.
  6. Talk to the Servant of Forgetfulness (NE corner central room). He will give you a Token of Modification.
  7. In the 4 side rooms, different Wardens of Forgetfulness are located. ID them to identify what skill they represent (more or less alphabetically ordered).
  8. Hand the Warden of your choice the Token, to receive a <skill name> Gem of Forgetfulness and it will inform you on the state of your timers (see Lore & Dialog for examples).
  9. Use it to despecialize, or untrain a skill.

To Redistribute Attributes[]

Gems of Lowering[]

  1. Head to the Temple of Forgetfulness at 88.8N, 0.0E and gain entrance to the Inner Sanctum.
    • Route: From Cragstone, take the Far Horizon Cottages portal at 26.2N, 46.3E.
  2. Talk to the Servant of Alteration (SW corner central room). He will give you a Token of Modification, and inform you on the state of your timers (see Lore & Dialog for examples).
  3. In the central room, different <attribute> Wardens are located. Hand the token to the warden for that skill, which you want to lower.
  4. You will receive a Gem of Lowering <Attribute>.

Gems of Raising[]

  1. Head to the Temple of Enlightenment at 84.5S, 0.0E and gain entrance to the Inner Sanctum.
  2. Talk to the Servant of Alteration. He will give you a Token of Modification, and inform you on the state of your timers (see Lore & Dialog for examples).
  3. In the central room, different <attribute> Wardens are located. Hand the token to the warden for that skill, which you want to raise.
  4. You will receive a Gem of Raising <Attribute>
  5. Combine the two halves to obtain an Attribute Transfer Gem: <Attribute> to <<Attribute>> Gem
    • Gem of Lowering Endurance Icon + Gem of Raising Coordination Icon = Attribute to Attribute Gem Icon
    You combine the gems into an Attribute Transfer gem.
  6. Using this Gem will transfer 10 points from one of your innate attributes to another.

Reset Options at Asheron's Castle[]

To Reset all Skills[]

  1. To untrain all skills and have the experience and credits refunded in one click, you can speak to Fianhe in Asheron's Castle.
    • Route: From the Town Network, take the north hall to Eastham and run to the portal at 17.9N, 64.3E. At the drop take the Portal to Asheron's Castle.
  2. The catch is that you only get one free skill reset per character. Each additional reset will cost you and is on a 27 day timer.
    You only get one free skill reset per character. Each additional reset costs MMDs and Luminance. Would you like to continue with your free skill reset?
    • Note: Xp for racial skills will be refunded and the skills set to trained if specialized (sister skills and racial specialized skills will not be changed).
    • Note: If you used augmentation gems to spec tinkering skills, they will seem to be lost, but after you train them again they will automatically be specialized.

To Reset all Attributes[]

  1. Head to Asheron's Castle
  2. Talk to Chafulumisa. He will warn you that you only get a free change of your attributes once. After that it will cost MMDs.
    You only get one free attribute reset per character. Each additional reset costs MMDs and Luminance. Would you like to continue with your free skill (sic) reset?
  3. If you choose YES, you will have 30 minutes to grab as many raising and lowering attribute gems as you wish (from the nearby pillars).
  4. These gems work identically to the gems from the temples. (raising or lowering by 10)

Important Notes[]


  • Though the Token of Modification for untraining and redistributing attributes share the same name, they do not share timers. This means you can actually get 4 untraining gems, and still get the full 18 attribute gems if you have never done this before.
  • Timers listed above don't apply when using the reset options at Asheron's Castle.

Tinkering Skills[]

  • Tinkering skills can only specialized using Augmentation Gems and they cannot be unspecialized using Gems of Forgetfulness.

Fixed Skills and Attributes[]

  • Even though you cannot untrain fixed starter skills such as Arcane Lore, you can use the Gems of Forgetfulness to recover all experience that you have spent on them.
Although you cannot untrain your Arcane Lore skill, you have succeeded in recovering all the experience you had invested in it.
  • You can never raise an attribute above 100 innate, or lower it below 10 innate using the Gems of Alteration.
Your innate level of [Attribute] is already as low as it can be. You may not reduce it any further.


  • If you choose the wrong gem and want to get another instead, you can give the gem to either the Servant of Alteration or Servant of Forgetfulness to erase the mistake. This does not apply to Gems of Enlightenment (specializing) as there is no timer or limit to the gems.


Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Temple of Enlightenment 84.5S, 0.0E -- 5D47
Temple of Forgetfulness 88.8N, 0.0E -- 5D48


Quest Items

The Empyrean Temples Icon The Empyrean TemplesA Note From Ciandra Icon A Note From CiandraThe Temple of Enlightenment Icon The Temple of EnlightenmentThe Temple of Forgetfulness Icon The Temple of ForgetfulnessServant of Enlightenment Icon Servant of EnlightenmentServant of Forgetfulness Icon Servant of ForgetfulnessServant of Alteration Icon Servant of AlterationToken of Modification Icon Token of Modification

Gems of Enlightenment

Alchemy Gem of Enlightenment Icon Alchemy Gem of EnlightenmentArcane Lore Gem of Enlightenment Icon Arcane Lore Gem of EnlightenmentAssess Creature Gem of Enlightenment Icon Assess Creature Gem of EnlightenmentAssess Person Gem of Enlightenment Icon Assess Person Gem of EnlightenmentCreature Enchantment Gem of Enlightenment Icon Creature Enchantment Gem of EnlightenmentCooking Gem of Enlightenment Icon Cooking Gem of EnlightenmentDeception Gem of Enlightenment Icon Deception Gem of EnlightenmentDirty Fighting Gem of Enlightenment Icon Dirty Fighting Gem of EnlightenmentDual Wield Gem of Enlightenment Icon Dual Wield Gem of EnlightenmentFinesse Weapons Gem of Enlightenment Icon Finesse Weapons Gem of EnlightenmentFletching Gem of Enlightenment Icon Fletching Gem of EnlightenmentHealing Gem of Enlightenment Icon Healing Gem of EnlightenmentHeavy Weapons Gem of Enlightenment Icon Heavy Weapons Gem of EnlightenmentItem Enchantment Gem of Enlightenment Icon Item Enchantment Gem of EnlightenmentJump Gem of Enlightenment Icon Jump Gem of EnlightenmentLeadership Gem of Enlightenment Icon Leadership Gem of Enlightenment

Light Weapons Gem of Enlightenment Icon Light Weapons Gem of EnlightenmentLockpick Gem of Enlightenment Icon Lockpick Gem of EnlightenmentLoyalty Gem of Enlightenment Icon Loyalty Gem of EnlightenmentLife Magic Gem of Enlightenment Icon Life Magic Gem of EnlightenmentMagic Defense Gem of Enlightenment Icon Magic Defense Gem of EnlightenmentMana Conversion Gem of Enlightenment Icon Mana Conversion Gem of EnlightenmentMelee Defense Gem of Enlightenment Icon Melee Defense Gem of EnlightenmentMissile Defense Gem of Enlightenment Icon Missile Defense Gem of EnlightenmentMissile Weapons Gem of Enlightenment Icon Missile Weapons Gem of EnlightenmentRecklessness Gem of Enlightenment Icon Recklessness Gem of EnlightenmentRun Gem of Enlightenment Icon Run Gem of EnlightenmentShield Gem of Enlightenment Icon Shield Gem of EnlightenmentSneak Attack Gem of Enlightenment Icon Sneak Attack Gem of EnlightenmentSummoning Gem of Enlightenment Icon Summoning Gem of EnlightenmentTwo Handed Combat Gem of Enlightenment Icon Two Handed Combat Gem of EnlightenmentVoid Magic Gem of Enlightenment Icon Void Magic Gem of EnlightenmentWar Magic Gem of Enlightenment Icon War Magic Gem of Enlightenment

Gems of Forgetfulness

Alchemy Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Alchemy Gem of ForgetfulnessArcane Lore Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Arcane Lore Gem of ForgetfulnessArmor Tinkering Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Armor Tinkering Gem of ForgetfulnessAssess Creature Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Assess Creature Gem of ForgetfulnessAssess Person Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Assess Person Gem of ForgetfulnessCooking Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Cooking Gem of ForgetfulnessCreature Enchantment Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Creature Enchantment Gem of ForgetfulnessDeception Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Deception Gem of ForgetfulnessDirty Fighting Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Dirty Fighting Gem of ForgetfulnessDual Wield Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Dual Wield Gem of ForgetfulnessFinesse Weapons Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Finesse Weapons Gem of ForgetfulnessFletching Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Fletching Gem of ForgetfulnessHealing Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Healing Gem of ForgetfulnessHeavy Weapons Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Heavy Weapons Gem of ForgetfulnessItem Enchantment Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Item Enchantment Gem of ForgetfulnessItem Tinkering Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Item Tinkering Gem of ForgetfulnessJump Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Jump Gem of ForgetfulnessLeadership Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Leadership Gem of ForgetfulnessLight Weapons Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Light Weapons Gem of Forgetfulness

Lockpick Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Lockpick Gem of ForgetfulnessLoyalty Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Loyalty Gem of ForgetfulnessLife Magic Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Life Magic Gem of ForgetfulnessMagic Defense Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Magic Defense Gem of ForgetfulnessMagic Item Tinkering Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Magic Item Tinkering Gem of ForgetfulnessMana Conversion Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Mana Conversion Gem of ForgetfulnessMelee Defense Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Melee Defense Gem of ForgetfulnessMissile Defense Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Missile Defense Gem of ForgetfulnessMissile Weapons Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Missile Weapons Gem of ForgetfulnessRecklessness Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Recklessness Gem of ForgetfulnessRun Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Run Gem of ForgetfulnessSalvaging Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Salvaging Gem of ForgetfulnessShield Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Shield Gem of ForgetfulnessSneak Attack Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Sneak Attack Gem of ForgetfulnessSummoning Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Summoning Gem of ForgetfulnessTwo Handed Combat Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Two Handed Combat Gem of ForgetfulnessVoid Magic Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Void Magic Gem of ForgetfulnessWar Magic Gem of Forgetfulness Icon War Magic Gem of ForgetfulnessWeapon Tinkering Gem of Forgetfulness Icon Weapon Tinkering Gem of Forgetfulness

Gems of Raising

Gem of Raising Strength Icon Gem of Raising StrengthGem of Raising Endurance Icon Gem of Raising EnduranceGem of Raising Coordination Icon Gem of Raising CoordinationGem of Raising Quickness Icon Gem of Raising QuicknessGem of Raising Focus Icon Gem of Raising FocusGem of Raising Self Icon Gem of Raising Self

Gems of Lowering

Gem of Lowering Strength Icon Gem of Lowering StrengthGem of Lowering Endurance Icon Gem of Lowering EnduranceGem of Lowering Coordination Icon Gem of Lowering CoordinationGem of Lowering Quickness Icon Gem of Lowering QuicknessGem of Lowering Focus Icon Gem of Lowering FocusGem of Lowering Self Icon Gem of Lowering Self

Redistribution Gems

Attribute to Attribute Gem Icon Attribute to Attribute Gem

Volatile Gems of Raising

Volatile Gem of Raising Strength Icon Volatile Gem of Raising StrengthVolatile Gem of Raising Endurance Icon Volatile Gem of Raising EnduranceVolatile Gem of Raising Coordination Icon Volatile Gem of Raising CoordinationVolatile Gem of Raising Quickness Icon Volatile Gem of Raising QuicknessVolatile Gem of Raising Focus Icon Volatile Gem of Raising FocusVolatile Gem of Raising Self Icon Volatile Gem of Raising Self

Volatile Gems of Lowering

Volatile Gem of Lowering Strength Icon Volatile Gem of Lowering StrengthVolatile Gem of Lowering Endurance Icon Volatile Gem of Lowering EnduranceVolatile Gem of Lowering Coordination Icon Volatile Gem of Lowering CoordinationVolatile Gem of Lowering Quickness Icon Volatile Gem of Lowering QuicknessVolatile Gem of Lowering Focus Icon Volatile Gem of Lowering FocusVolatile Gem of Lowering Self Icon Volatile Gem of Lowering Self

Volatile Redistribution Gems

Volatile Attribute to Attribute Gem Icon Volatile Attribute to Attribute Gem


Click image for full size version.


Speaking with a Temple Guardian

Guardian of the Temple of Enlightenment tells you, "I guard the Temple of Enlightenment. The Temple grants the opportunity to repair sins of omission."

Guardian of the Temple of Enlightenment tells you, "Bring me the essence of Malar and I will let you pass."

You give Guardian of the Temple of Enlightenment Hyssop.

Guardian of the Temple of Enlightenment gives you The Temple of Enlightenment.

Guardian of the Temple of Enlightenment gives you A Note From Ciandra.

Guardian of the Temple of Enlightenment tells you, "Remember -- once you have chosen your path, follow it with conviction."

Guardian of the Temple of Enlightenment teleports you with Entering the Temple.

Servant of Enlightenment

Servant of Enlightenment gives you Token of Modification.

Servant of Enlightenment tells you, "I awaken. I exist to serve those who wish to reach a new state of enlightenment"

Servant of Enlightenment tells you, "The Wardens have decided it is no longer necessary to restrict the flow of these tokens"

Servant of Forgetfulness

Servant of Forgetfulness gives you Token of Modification.

Servant of Forgetfulness tells you, "I awaken. I exist to serve those who wish to ease their memories."

Servant of Forgetfulness tells you, "In order to ensure that the magics of this temple are not overused, the Wardens of Forgetfulness have awoken. They will determine if you are allowed access to their gems. Take this token and give it to the warden of your choice, who will then give you a gem if you meet their requirements."

Servant of Forgetfulness tells you, "You may receive with no delay up to four gems that allow one to forget a skill previously known. Receipt of your fifth through eighth gem will require a wait of a week per gem. Receipt of your ninth through sixteenth gem will require a wait of two weeks per gem. Finally, gems beyond your sixteenth will require a wait of three weeks per gem."

Servant of Forgetfulness tells you, "If you have chosen an incorrect gem, it can be returned so that another may be chosen. But once you have chosen your new gem, you must wait the full duration before picking up another."

Servant of Alteration

Servant of Alteration gives you Token of Modification.

Servant of Alteration tells you, "I...think this is working. If so, you should be able to hear my voice."

Servant of Alteration tells you, "The temples have been changing. The gems are no longer available to all, and statues - wardens - have appeared out of nowhere. However, it seems that the work I did previously allows me some level of control over them. It is quite facinating, in fact. If this works right, this statue will give you the same token as the other servants have begun to hand out. You'll need to give the token to the new wardens to receive their gem."

Servant of Alteration tells you, "The magic which allows Isparians to alter themselves seems stable, but there's some evidence of instability in repeated uses. Therefore, I'm implementing a limit. You can take the first nine red attribute gems and nine green attribute gems with no delay. You will need to wait a week per red gem neyond nine, and likewise you will need to wait a week per green gem beyond nine. You'll need to wait two weeks per red gem beyond eighteen, and two weeks per green gem beyond eighteen."

Servant of Alteration tells you, "If you make a mistake and get the wrong gem, you can give the gem to this servant and you will be able to pick up another, but be warned...once you have picked up a new gem, you must wait the full duration before picking up another. Also, if you have combined two gems, they can no longer be returned."

Returning Attribute Gems to the Servant of Alteration

You give Servant of Alteration Gem of Raising Strength.

Servant of Alteration tells you, "Your mistake has been erased and you are now free to get another gem. However, once you pick up a gem you will need to wait the full normal duration until you are permitted to get another."

Returning Tokens of Modification

You give Servant of Alteration Token of Modification.

Servant of Alteration tells you, "I'll keep this until you need it again."

Using the Skill Warden Statues

You give Lockpick Warden of Enlightenment Token of Modification.

Lockpick Warden of Enlightenment gives you Lockpick Gem of Enlightenment.

You give Lockpick Warden of Forgetfulness Token of Modification.

Lockpick Warden of Forgetfulness tells you, "May you find peace with yourself and your memories."

Lockpick Warden of Forgetfulness gives you Lockpick Gem of Forgetfulness.

Lockpick Warden of Forgetfulness tells you, "You may receive up to four total Gems of Forgetfulness before you must then wait a week."

Specialization Cap

You have too many credits invested in specialized skills already! Before you can specialize your [Skill Name] skill, you will need to unspecialize some other skill.

Using the Atttribute Warden Statues

Warden of Raising Focus tells you, "If you give me a token, I'll give you a gem that will let you alter your attributes. Go to the Servant of Alteration for more information."

You give Warden of Raising Focus Token of Modification.

Warden of Raising Focus tells you, "Use your newfound power well."

Warden of Raising Focus gives you Gem of Raising Focus.

Warden of Raising Focus tells you, "You may receive up to nine Attribute Raising Gems before you must then wait a week."

Retired Text

Servant of Enlightenment gives you Token of Modification.

Servant of Enlightenment tells you, "I awaken. I exist to serve those who wish to reach a new state of enlightenment"

Servant of Enlightenment tells you, "In order to ensure that the magics of this temple are not overused, the Wardens of Enlightenment have awoken. They will determine if you are allowed access to their gems. Take this token and give it to the warden of your choice, who will then give you a gem if you meet their requirements."

Servant of Enlightenment tells you, "You may receive with no delay up to two gems that allow one to specialize a skill. Receipt of your third and fourth gem will require a wait of a week per gem. Receipt of your fifth through eighth gem will require a wait of two weeks per gem. Finally, gems beyond your eighth will require a wait of three weeks per gem."

Servant of Enlightenment tells you, "If you have chosen an incorrect gem, it can be returned so that another may be chosen. But once you have chosen your new gem, you must wait the full duration before picking up another."

You give Melee Defense Warden of Enlightenment Token of Modification.

Melee Defense Warden of Enlightenment tells you, "May you achieve true enlightenment with this boon."

Melee Defense Warden of Enlightenment gives you Melee Defense Gem of Enlightenment.

Melee Defense Warden of Enlightenment tells you, "You may receive up to two total Gems of Enlightenment before you must then wait a week."

Update History[]

The Slumbering Giant

  • Attribute redistribution for innate stats introduced.

A Perfect Paradox

  • 3 week timers for redistribution of skills and stats reduced to 2 weeks.

All That They Survey

Through Sacrifice, Strength

  • All redistribution timers updated.
  • Tokens of Modification now used to obtain the redistribution gems.
  • More details on these changes here.

Gears of Change

  • Gearcrafting and Two Handed Combat redistribution gems added.

Plans Within Plans

From Darkness, Light

  • Void Magic redistribution gems added.

Lost City of Neftet

  • A NPC for resetting all skills introduced.
  • Timers for skill increase gems removed.

Master of Design - November 2011

  • A NPC for adjusting all innate attributes introduced.

Master of Arms - February 2012

Balance of Power - February 2013
