Introduced: | From the Darkness Born | Related Quests: | Hamud's Demise | Updated: | Master of Arms |
- Value: 3,000
- Burden: 150
- Skill: Heavy Weapons (Unarmed)
- Damage: 15 - 30 , Bludgeoning
- Speed: Fast (20) (0)
- Bonus to Attack Skill: +10% (25%)
- Bonus to Melee Defense: +10.0% (23.0%)
- Spells: Defender V, Blood Drinker VI, Swift Killer IV, Heart Seeker VI
- Properties: Crushing Blow, Biting Strike
- Wield requires base Heavy Weapons 325
- Activation requires Arcane Lore: 150
- Spellcraft: 250.
- Mana: 1000.
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 25 seconds.
- A cestus crafted from the tooth of a brass gromnie.
- Obtained by giving a Brass Gromnie Tooth to an Ivory Crafter:
- You give Ivory Crafter Brass Gromnie Tooth.
- Ivory Crafter tells you, "The Brass Gromnie only recently appeared on Marae Lassel. Had I not been inspired to craft, I wouldn't have even thought of making this out of Brass Gromnie teeth!"
- You've earned 18,375 experience.
- Ivory Crafter gives you Brass Knuckles.
- Allow the Ivory Crafter to examine the knuckles to receive an Introduction to Devana and a Contract for Hamud's Demise:
- You allow Ivory Crafter to examine your Brass Knuckles.
- Ivory Crafter tells you, "Very good, you may keep your cestus. A lady near Zaikhal named Devana bint Hamudi is looking for skilled hunters."
- Ivory Crafter gives you Introduction to Devana.
- Ivory Crafter gives you Contract for Hamud's Demise.
- Ivory Crafter tells you, "Give this to her."
- During the Master of Arms event, the skill was changed from UA to Heavy Weapons, the wield Requirement adjusted accordingly, and the base damage upped from 11.5 - 23 to 15 - 30.