Asheron's Call Community Wiki
Introduced:  Fever Dreams
Carrot Cake Soup
Carrot Cake Soup Icon
  • Value: 25
  • Burden: 75
  • Use this item to eat it.
  • Restores 30 Stamina when consumed.
  • This item cannot be sold.
  • A delicious milky soup with carrot cake cubes floating in it.
Carrot Cake Soup Live


  • Stack Size: ??


Baking Pan, Carving Knife
2 Flour, 1 Water, 1 Egg, 1 Carrot, 1 Milk
1 Carrot Cake Soup
  • Steps:
  1. Use Flour on Water to create Dough.
    • Flour Icon + Water Icon = Dough Icon
  2. Use Dough on Egg to create Batter.
    • Dough Icon + Egg Icon = Batter Icon
  3. Use Batter on Flour to create Cake Batter.
    • Batter Icon + Flour Icon = Cake Batter Icon
  4. Use Cake Batter on Carrot to create Carrot Cake Batter.
    • Cake Batter Icon + Carrot Icon = Carrot Cake Batter Icon
  5. Use Baking Pan on Carrot Cake Batter to create Carrot Cake.
    • Baking Pan Icon + Carrot Cake Batter Icon = Carrot Cake Icon
  6. Use Carving Knife on Carrot Cake to create Carrot Cake Cubes.
    • Carving Knife Icon + Carrot Cake Icon = Carrot Cake Cubes Icon
  7. Use Carrot Cake Cubes on Milk to create Carrot Cake Soup.
    • Carrot Cake Cubes Icon + Milk Icon = Carrot Cake Soup Icon
You make batter.
You make Cake Batter.
You make carrot cake batter.
You make carrot cake.
You cut the Carrot Cake into small cubes.
You make Carrot Cake Soup.