Asheron's Call Community Wiki

For information on the topic of continuity in fiction, continuity errors, and retroactive continuity (retcon), see wikipedia - Continuity (fiction)

The following pages attempt to document various errors in continuity, and if possible, draw a reasonable conclusion on what can be considered "canon".

Characters Major Characters, Minor Characters, Isparian Characters, Empyrean Characters, Creature Characters, Deity Characters
Cultures Isparian: Aluvian, Gharu'ndim, Kael Arran, Milantean, Roulean, Sho, Silveran, Souia-Vey, Viamontian.
Empyrean: Dericostian, Falatacot, Haebrean, High Desert Nomad, Yalaini.
Creatures: A'nekshay, Banderling, Burun, Drudge, Fiun, Gearknight, Gurog, Lugian, Mosswart, Olthoi, Ruschk, Shadow, Tumerok, Tusker, Virindi.
Deities: Deru, Gromnatross, Kemeroi, Slithis
Worlds Auberean, Bur, Gearknight Homeworld, Ezheret-Hazahtu, Ispar, Olthoi Homeworld, Tuu
Historical Records Texts, Internet Lore Articles, Event Announcements, Utterances, AC:DM CD Lore, A Brief History for Travelers, The History of Auberean, Stormwaltz Quotes
Historical Summaries Empyrean Eras: Prehistoric Auberean, Golden Age, Age of Dericost, Age of Contentment, First Age of Lore, Second Age of Lore, Third Age of Lore, Age of Shifting
New Eras: Portal Year Era, Golden Age of Dereth, The Devastation, Shelter Era, New Dereth Era.
Miscellaneous Lore Lore Database, Continuity, Factions, Historical Sites