Asheron's Call Community Wiki
Introduced:  Lay of the Land
Merkitz ibn'Akadh
Non-Player Killer
Merkitz ibn'Akadh Live
Race Male Gharu'ndim
Title Arcanum Portalmancer
Location Xarabydun - 41.7S, 15.8E
Level 275
Strength 290
Endurance 200
Coordination 260
Quickness 200
Focus 290
Self 290
Health 296
Stamina 396
Mana 486



Merkitz ibn'Akadh tells you, "Good day to you. I have managed to craft a portal spell to the Invasion area in the Direlands."

Merkitz ibn'Akadh tells you, "If you wish, for the small fee of an MMD note, i can summon a portal to that location for you."

Merkitz ibn'Akadh tells you, "Be warned, however, you must be at least 150th level to use the portal I crafted."

You give Merkitz ibn'Akadh Trade Note (250,000).

Merkitz ibn'Akadh tells you, "One portal summoning, coming up!"
