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The Rouleans are one of the Isparian Cultures. Their homeland is the former empire of Roulea, on Ispar. For now, their region has been free of portals to Dereth.

The Roulean lands lie west of Gharu'n and north of the Sho Empire. To the north, across the Iron Sea is the Kingdom of Viamont.[Citation Needed]



There are two accounts of the founding of the Roulean Empire. One says that Roulea marks the beginning of the Roulean Calendar with the founding of the capital by offspring of the gods.[1] The other says that the founder of the Roulean Empire was a warlord named Maleksoros. He wielded a mace called the Subjugator, and with it, he personally defeated the leaders of every neighboring tribe. This formed the seed of the empire that would later conquer almost all the known world.[2]

It is possible these two accounts are talking about the same story: That Roulea's capital was founded by offspring of the gods, and that this founder was Maleksoros. It is also possible that Roulea's capital was founded and existed as a city-state, and Maleksoros came later, and he expanded that city-state to an empire. There is not enough information to know either way.

One source states that as of the year 924 RC, the Roulean capital is Tirethas, the City of Lore.[3] If Tirethas had always been the capital, then this would mean it was founded in 0 RC.

However, there is also a city of Roulea, and it is described as a city on Ispar of great size and importance (along with Tirethas and Celdon).[4] Although unconfirmed, it seems most likely that this city was the original capital of the Roulean Empire, given that their empire is called Roulean and not Tirethasean.

Interestingly, if we are to believe the reckoning of Mansur al-Rajan, the ancient Roulean text Treatises of Archephoros was written circa -1,000 RC[5] Mansur made the the claim that the text was "perhaps two thousand years" in the late 900s RC. This would imply that Roulea is older than their founding stories claim. Or at the very least, that the region of Roulea was populated by people prior to the "official" founding.

Rise to Power[]

Maleksoros and his successors conquered large amounts of territory.[2] The exact extent of the Roulean Empire is not defined, but it has been said that the empire of Roulea spanned much of the land of Ispar,[6][7] that they had brought imperial order to the lands around the Ironsea,[8] and that they had conquered almost all the known world.[2]

The earliest history of the Sho people states that they warred with the Dragon of Power, one of their Elder Spirits, and were driven southwest from their original homelands. As they fled the Dragon burned their crops and homes. Eventually they settled on the coast.[9][10][11] This would have occurred at least a thousand years ago[12] placing these events circa the 200s RC. It is possible that this legend from the Sho people's past is based on conflict with an expanding Roulean Empire.

One land that was not claimed by the Rouleans was the Viamontian peninsula, which they saw no benefit in conquering.[8] Although it is hard to pin down exact dates, our best estimates put the appearance of the Viamontian founder Karlun to be circa 500 RC. Prior to Karlun's appearance, the Viamontian peninsula was home to a collection of independent tribes that warred each other.[8] This tribal period of Viamont's history is said to be long after the Rouleans had conquered the other lands around the Ironsea.

At some point, Tirethas is home to the Imperial Academy of Magic, and once had the greatest concentration of mages and scholars in all of Ispar.[13] This may be why it is called the City of Lore.[14][15][3]


Around 700 RC, the Roulean Empire was described as wealthy but declining.[8] King Elous VI of Viamont brought in retired Roulean generals as part of his plans to build and train a national Viamontian army.[8] His plan paid off, with the successful invasion of Aluvia in 704 RC.[16]

With the wealth and resources plundered from Aluvia, the Viamontians once again turned to Roulean expertise to build a fleet large enough to transport their armies across the Ironsea.[8] These Viamontian corsairs raided Roulean ports around the Ironsea,[8] further weakening the empire.

In the early 900s RC, the Gharu'ndim people of the Naqut Desert began to organize under the banner of Rakhil al-Khur.[14][17] At this time, the Naqut was described as dividing the land of Milantos from the decaying Roulean Empire.[17] Rakhil's army swept north across the desert, laying waste to the ancient empire of Roulea and overwhelming half of its lands.[14] In 924 RC,[3] the Gharu'ndim armies reached the Roulean capital of Tirethas. Rakhil threatened to burn the books contained within the city, and was struck down by his friend, the warrior-poet Yasif ibn Salayyar. With that, the Gharu'ndim conquest came to a sudden end.[3][14]

After the founding of Gharu'n many of the other realms about the Ironsea have not recognized their sovereignty. Yasif ibn Salayyar traveled to the other nations to win the respect of the neighboring rulers. It is said that he spent a year in Roulea on this diplomatic mission.[5]

Fall of the Empire[]

In 1274 RC, the Viamontians, under King Varicci I, launched almost simultaneous attacks on Roulea and Aluvia. Already weakened by the long-ago loss of their trade outposts, the Rouleans were in no position to defend their holdings. Their once proud imperial legions gathered for one last great battle, which ended with the annihilation of the imperial army and the Emperor murdered in his palace.[8]

History on Dereth[]

No Rouleans are known to be on Dereth.


Portal Year Roulean Year Event
-3,400s PY -1000 RC The ancient Roulean text Treatises of Archephoros was written circa -1,000 RC.[5]
-1,926 PY 0 RC The Roulean Calendar begins. It is stated to begin with the founding of the capital by offspring of the gods.[1]
-1,926 PY or later 0 RC or later The warlord Maleksoros defeats the leaders of neighboring tribes and forms the seeds of the Roulean Empire.[2]
-1,600s PY 200s RC The Sho people wage war against the Dragon and are driven from their homelands to the edge of the sea. The Dragon burns their crops and homes.[9][10][11][12]

[Wiki editor's note: It is possible this Sho myth is a religious reinterpretation of historical events, where the expanding Roulean Empire drove them out of their original lands. We do not have enough information to determine what the truth is.]

Prior to -1,176 PY Prior to 500 RC Rouleans had brought imperial order to the lands around the Ironsea. Notably, they saw no reason to conquer the Viamontian peninsula.[8]
-1,200s to -1,100s PY 500 RC At this point in time the Viamontian peninsula is home to a collection of independent tribes.[8]
-876 PY 700 RC The Roulean Empire is described as wealthy but declining.[8]
After -870 PY After 704 RC Viamontian corsairs raid Roulean ports around the Ironsea.[8]
-540 PY 924 RC Gharun'dim armies capture the Roulean capital of Tirethas. The Gharu'ndim conquest of Roulea ends. During the conquest, the Gharu'ndim had overwhelmed half of Roulea's territories.[14][3]
-15 PY 1,274 RC Viamont launches nearly simultaneous campaigns in Roulea and Aluvia. The Roulean imperial legions are defeated, the Roulean Emperor is killed, and the Roulean Empire collapses.[8]


Old Roulean is a language used by the traders of the Isparian nations, and as the common language on Dereth. The language has spread to nearly every corner of Ispar, and was used as a common trading language. When the Aluvians, Gharu'ndim, and Sho were thrown together on Dereth, they adopted this trade tongue as a common language. Also, the Roulean names for the months and hours of the day, and the Roulean Calendar is commonly adopted.[18]

The Rouleans were a literate people and their books and treatises were valued highly by the other nations.[19] [5] However, some books, such as "The Treatise of the Individual" by Lokios of Tirethas, which held quite a few revolutionary ideas ("ideas dangerous to the kind of thoughtless, brutal, morally bankrupt regime that the Emperors maintained"), were banned and any copy found burned.[19] It was this book which might have triggered some of the rebellious ideas of the Viamontian Duke of Bellenesse.[20][21]



Religions and Beliefs[]

Customs and Traditions[]

The Rouleans sported gladiator fights, the gladiators have been described as being large and heavily muscled.[23]The greatest gladiator in the history of the Roulean games was named Archophon. He died after accepting a challenge from an unknown Silveran.[24] The arenas also showed animal fights, or people being torn apart by wild animals.[5]


  • Praetorian - The Roulean Imperial guard[25]

Ranks, Titles, and Honorifics[]


There are very few examples of Roulean names. Known names are:

Real World Basis[]

The Roulean Empire could be compared to the Greek or Roman empire.[Citation Needed]

Related Pages[]

Internet Articles[]


The Hundred Trackless Paths Icon The Hundred Trackless PathsTo Be A Shadow Icon To Be A Shadow

Baton of Tirethas Icon Baton of TirethasMalachite Slasher Icon Malachite SlasherSubjugator Icon Subjugator

Lore Characters[]

See: Category:Roulean Character

Art & Images[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 2001/11 Dark Majesty - AC:DM CD Lore: Ages of the Empyrean
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2005/07 Throne of Destiny - Subjugator
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 2003/03 The History of Auberean: Volume V: New Arrivals (-540 to 13)
  4. 2001/11 Dark Majesty - AC:DM CD Lore: Bestiary: Lugians
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 1999/11 Release - Zaikhal Library: To Be A Shadow
  6. 1996-1999 (unknown) Asheron's Call Beta - Zogblaster Archive: The Land of Dereth
  7. Microsoft Zone Archive: Time of Day and Months of the Year
  8. 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 2004/11 Pre-Throne of Destiny - The Origins and Current Disposition of Viamont
  9. 9.0 9.1 1996-1999 (unknown) Asheron's Call Beta - Zogblaster Archive: Sho Introduction
  10. 10.0 10.1 2001/11 Dark Majesty - The Shou-Jen and the Founding of Ryuujii (Version 1)
  11. 11.0 11.1 2001/11 Dark Majesty - The Shou-Jen and the Founding of Ryuujii (Version 2)
  12. 12.0 12.1 1996-1999 (unknown) Asheron's Call Beta - Zogblaster Archive: Sho Factions
  13. 2005/07 Throne of Destiny - Baton of Tirethas
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 1996-1999 (unknown) Asheron's Call Beta - Zogblaster Archive: Gharu'ndim Introduction
  15. 2000/04 Thorns of the Hopeslayer - The Silifi of the Crimson Stars
  16. 2003/03 The History of Auberean: Volume IV: Shifting Ways (-888 to -574)
  17. 17.0 17.1 1999/11 Release - Musansayn's Library: The Hundred Trackless Paths
  18. 1999/11 Release - Zogblaster Archive/The Land of Dereth
  19. 19.0 19.1 2004/11 The Malika and the Individual
  20. The Tournament Part II
  21. 2004/12 Assassination
  22. 2005/07 Throne of Destiny - Malachite Slasher
  23. 2005/08 Friend and Foe - Journal of High Archon Kraest
  24. 2005/07 Throne of Destiny - Champion's Demise
  25. 2001/11 Dark Majesty - Olthoi Eviscerators

Further Reading[]

Characters Major Characters, Minor Characters, Isparian Characters, Empyrean Characters, Creature Characters, Deity Characters
Cultures Isparian: Aluvian, Gharu'ndim, Kael Arran, Milantean, Roulean, Sho, Silveran, Souia-Vey, Viamontian.
Empyrean: Dericostian, Falatacot, Haebrean, High Desert Nomad, Yalaini.
Creatures: A'nekshay, Banderling, Burun, Drudge, Fiun, Gearknight, Gurog, Lugian, Mosswart, Olthoi, Ruschk, Shadow, Tumerok, Tusker, Virindi.
Deities: Deru, Gromnatross, Kemeroi, Slithis
Worlds Auberean, Bur, Gearknight Homeworld, Ezheret-Hazahtu, Ispar, Olthoi Homeworld, Tuu
Historical Records Texts, Internet Lore Articles, Event Announcements, Utterances, AC:DM CD Lore, A Brief History for Travelers, The History of Auberean, Stormwaltz Quotes
Historical Summaries Empyrean Eras: Prehistoric Auberean, Golden Age, Age of Dericost, Age of Contentment, First Age of Lore, Second Age of Lore, Third Age of Lore, Age of Shifting
New Eras: Portal Year Era, Golden Age of Dereth, The Devastation, Shelter Era, New Dereth Era.
Miscellaneous Lore Lore Database, Continuity, Factions, Historical Sites