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Silveran has been described as a frozen kingdom, located presumably in the north of Ispar.[1]

The Silverans are comparable to the real-world Norse/Vikings and their lands are north across the bay from Viamont, and NW of Aluvia.[Citation Needed] The portals to Dereth have not shown up on their lands therefore no known Silverans have arrived in Dereth. It is assumed that any who have arrived have disguised themselves as any of the other four races.[Citation Needed]

Contact with the Silveran was made mostly by the Viamontian and Aluvian, and mixed marriages did occur.[2][3][4][1] Also the Roulean must have had contact with the Silveran.[5] The saying "as far away as Silveran" comes especially from the view of the Gharu´ndim. [6]


On Ispar[]

The Silveran smiths masterfully constructed the Princely Runed Weapons, the Royal Runed Weapons and the Red Rune Silveran Weapons for the Viamontian King Varicci I. [7][8][9][10][11][12]

Silveran Oak was used as a material for the scabbard of high end weapons. [13] Swords forged out of this wood were weilded by the Viamontian Lord Darren di Marden, Prince Renlen, Count Corcima and Eleonora du Bellenesse. The sword was infused with the magics of the north and strands of diamond-lace weaved about the blade of the weapon, granting it a strength equal to - and some say greater than - the finest Viamontian steel. No warrior could wield a sword the size of those Silveran blades for long without succumbing to exhaustion.[2][3]

It was rumored that the Aluvian Queen Alfrega had Silveran blood. [4]

Eleonora du Bellenesse´s mother was a princess of the Silveran people and she herself was seventh in line for the throne of that frozen kingdom.[1]

On Dereth[]

The portals to Dereth have not shown up on their lands therefore no known Silverans have arrived in Dereth.[Citation Needed] It is assumed that any who have arrived have disguised themselves as any of the other four races.[14]

What did appear on Dereth are the Princely and Royal Runed Silveran Weapons, brought at great expense to Dereth by the Viamontians and "stolen" and distributed. [10] Another tier of Silveran Weapons, the Red Runed Silveran Weapons are only available by joining one of the Viamontian factions, though also these weapons were supposed only to be distributed to Varicci II´s elite troops.[15][16]


Religions and Beliefs[]

Customs and Traditions[]

The look of a Silveran warrior has been described as having "long white hair and tattooed body - nearly naked". [2]

Real World Basis[]

The Silverans are comparable to the real-world Norse/Vikings. [Citation Needed]


Internet Articles[]


An elite group of Silveran warriors called themselves the Valkeer.[17]


Champion's Demise Icon Champion's DemiseValkeer's Helm Icon Valkeer's Helm

Art & Images[]


Further Reading[]

Characters Major Characters, Minor Characters, Isparian Characters, Empyrean Characters, Creature Characters, Deity Characters
Cultures Isparian: Aluvian, Gharu'ndim, Kael Arran, Milantean, Roulean, Sho, Silveran, Souia-Vey, Viamontian.
Empyrean: Dericostian, Falatacot, Haebrean, High Desert Nomad, Yalaini.
Creatures: A'nekshay, Banderling, Burun, Drudge, Fiun, Gearknight, Gurog, Lugian, Mosswart, Olthoi, Ruschk, Shadow, Tumerok, Tusker, Virindi.
Deities: Deru, Gromnatross, Kemeroi, Slithis
Worlds Auberean, Bur, Gearknight Homeworld, Ezheret-Hazahtu, Ispar, Olthoi Homeworld, Tuu
Historical Records Texts, Internet Lore Articles, Event Announcements, Utterances, AC:DM CD Lore, A Brief History for Travelers, The History of Auberean, Stormwaltz Quotes
Historical Summaries Empyrean Eras: Prehistoric Auberean, Golden Age, Age of Dericost, Age of Contentment, First Age of Lore, Second Age of Lore, Third Age of Lore, Age of Shifting
New Eras: Portal Year Era, Golden Age of Dereth, The Devastation, Shelter Era, New Dereth Era.
Miscellaneous Lore Lore Database, Continuity, Factions, Historical Sites