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Introduced:  Sins of the Fathers Related Quests:  Rare Island Trophies
Tch'Keryk the Emissary
Tch'Keryk the Emissary Live
Class Sclavus
Level 235
Loot Tier 6
Attacks Slash, Pierce, Bludgeon
Weaknesses Frost
Strength 42
Endurance 400
Coordination 405
Quickness 480
Focus 400
Self 400
Health 6000
Stamina 2000
Mana 1750
Advanced Stats
Melee Attack
Melee Defense
Missile Attack
Missile Defense
Magic Attack
Magic Defense



  • Rare landscape spawn on Moarsman City island.
    • Confirmed siting at 93.2S, 57.0W. (x2)
  • Its severed head can be returned to one of the collectors in the Society Strongholds in exchange for xp, a title, and a Mana Forge Key.


Tch'Keryk the Emissary says, "Sssoon, very sssoon, we will be poised to crusssh the defilersss of our landsss..."

Your assault sends Tch'Keryk the Emissary to an icy death!
As he dies, Tch'Keryk the Emissary howls at [Killer's Name], "T'thuun take you! Missserable creature!"